云原生分布式数据库 TiDB-实时 HTAP-PingCAP | 平凯星辰

云原生分布式数据库 TiDB-实时 HTAP-PingCAP | 平凯星辰

PingCAP 成立于 2015 年,是一家企业级开源分布式数据库厂商。由 PingCAP 创立的分布式关系型数据库 TiDB,具备「一键水平扩容或者缩容、金融级高可用、实时 HTAP、云原生、MySQL ...


PingCAP 成立于 2015 年,是一家企业级开源分布式数据库厂商。由 PingCAP 创立的分布式关系型数据库 TiDB,具备「一键水平扩容或者缩容、金融级高可用、实时 HTAP、云原生、MySQL 兼容」等特性,帮助企业最大化发挥数据价值,充分释放企业增长空间。

PingCAP, the company behind TiDB


Welcome to PingCAP, the company behind TiDB – a leading open-source cloud-native distributed database that is revolutionizing the way businesses manage and process data. Whether you are looking for a community edition, enterprise solutions, or the convenience of TiDB Cloud and TiDB Serverless, PingCAP has you covered.

TiDB Ecosystem Overview

Explore the diverse offerings within the TiDB ecosystem, ranging from tools and solutions to best practices and industry insights. Here’s a quick glance at what PingCAP has to offer:

Category Subcategories
TiDB Tools TiDB Toolset
Solutions Industry Solutions, Infrastructure Solutions
Best Practices High Availability, Installation and Deployment, Operations and Monitoring, Fault Diagnosis
Industry Insights Latest trends and insights in the database industry

TiDB Documentation

Delve into the comprehensive TiDB documentation to make the most of your TiDB experience. From quick start guides and local/cloud deployments to data migration, backup and recovery, and development guides, we’ve got you covered. Explore and find answers to common questions through our extensive FAQ section.

Customer Success Stories

Discover how TiDB has made a significant impact across various industries. Explore customer case studies in finance, government, retail, e-commerce, life services, gaming, video, and more. TiDB powers large-scale Online Transaction Processing (OLTP) and Hybrid Transactional/Analytical Processing (HTAP) scenarios.


PingCAP values partnerships and collaborates with various entities to enhance the TiDB ecosystem. Explore our solution partners, authorized distribution partners, certification service partners, and product ecosystem partners. Find the right partner for your needs and discover joint solutions for your business.

Business Products and Services

Explore PingCAP’s business products and services, ranging from TiDB enterprise editions to tailored support and consulting services. Contact us to discuss how we can support your specific requirements.

Community Support

PingCAP is dedicated to fostering a vibrant community around TiDB. Access community support, download the TiDB community edition, follow quick start guides, explore TiDB documentation, and engage with the community through AskTUG, our community Q&A platform.

PingCAP Education

Empower yourself with knowledge through PingCAP Education. Explore our course curriculum, certification system, endorsements from top enterprises, education partnerships, campus talent ecosystems, and collaborative research initiatives through Talent Plan.

Latest Updates

Stay informed about the latest developments at PingCAP. Discover how TiDB is making waves, including awards, recognitions, and successful events such as re:Invent 2023. Join us at Infra Meetups, read about innovations in our blog, and explore the success stories of TiDB users.

Free Trial

Experience the power of TiDB firsthand. Sign up for a free trial and witness the one-stack Hybrid Transactional/Analytical Processing (HTAP) database in action. Accelerate your business with TiDB and unlock the true value of your data.

PingCAP is here to transform your data management experience. Join us on this journey towards a scalable, reliable, and open-source future with TiDB.

  • 域名信息

    注册人/机构:Alibaba Cloud Computing (Beijing) Co.,Ltd.



  • 备案信息





  • 网站信息

    IP:[中国北京 优刻云]

云原生分布式数据库 TiDB-实时 HTAP-PingCAP | 平凯星辰



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