Radio Times | TV, film and entertainment news – Radio Times

Radio Times | TV, film and entertainment news – Radio Times

Your UK TV and radio guide to what's on TV and on demand plus all the latest entertainment, soap, film and drama news and reviews from Radio Times.


Your UK TV and radio guide to what’s on TV and on demand plus all the latest entertainment, soap, film and drama news and reviews from Radio Times.

TV Shows

  • Great British Bake Off will return in 2023, start date confirmed
  • Peaky Blinders creator hints more to come, story not over yet
  • Morven Christie stars in Payback trailer, playing woman caught in criminal web
  • Strictly’s Adam Thomas says his arthritis is affecting dance training
  • Doctor Who teaser hints at plot theory for 60th anniversary


  • MAFS welcomes first transgender bride Ella, who praises the show’s inclusivity
  • Celebrity SAS: Who Dares Wins confirms air date for Matt Hancock season
  • Annika season 2 ends on cliffhanger with shock new suspect emerging
  • In EastEnders, Emma Harding blackmails Phil Mitchell over their fling
  • Buffy sequel announced for 2023

I have summarized the key details in a concise format without making any modifications to the original information provided. Please let me know if you would like me to modify or expand the summary further.

Radio Times | TV, film and entertainment news - Radio Times



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