GOV.UK – The place to find government services and information – simpler, clearer, faster.
The content covers government services and information across various topics like benefits, births/deaths, business, childcare, citizenship, crime, disabled people, driving, education, employing people, environment, housing, money/tax, passports/travel, visas, working/jobs, pensions etc.
It mentions 24 ministerial departments and over 400 other agencies and public bodies.
Some key online services mentioned are:
- HMRC services: sign in, check MOT history, tax vehicle, Universal Credit
- Foreign travel advice
- Check State Pension age
- Childcare account: sign in
- Student finance: sign in
- Self Assessment tax returns
- Apply for a passport
Key Topics Covered
- Benefits
- Cost of Living Payment
- Carer’s Allowance
- National Insurance
- Births, deaths, marriages and care
- Business and self-employed
- Childcare and parenting
- Citizenship and living in the UK
- Crime, justice and the law
- Disabled people
- Driving and transport
- Education and learning
- Employing people
- Environment and countryside
- Housing and local services
- Money and tax
- Passports, travel and living abroad
- Visas and immigration
- Working, jobs and pensions
Other Details
- The content covers research, statistics, news, policy papers, consultations, guidance, regulations and transparency documents.
- It provides an overview of key online government services for citizens and businesses.
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