Latent Labs

Latent Labs

Stylize your Logos


Stylize your Logos

Summary of AI Image Generation Requests

This article summarizes a series of AI image generation requests covering a wide range of subjects. The most common requests were for realistic 3D renders of people and objects, including:

  • Realistic 3D renders of women with long blonde hair wearing bikinis (requested multiple times)
  • Photorealistic 3D renders of food items like burgers and fruit
  • Realistic 3D renders of vehicles like the 1989 Honda Civic and a Lamborghini

Other common requests were for buildings and structures, including houses, castles, and basic buildings. There were also several requests for animals and creatures like cats, mice, and an orc warrior.

Some more unique requests included a heavy-metal teddy bear playing guitar, a frog figurine, an astronaut cat, a multidimensional portal, and a gentleman’s hat. There was one request for an open world video game level design.

The prompts specified a high level of realism and detail for many of the 3D renders. Specific styles requested included anime, lofi, retro futuristic, and surreal. The images were intended to showcase advanced AI capabilities in generating photorealistic content across a wide variety of subjects.

Latent Labs



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