Diodes Incorporated is a leading global manufacturer and supplier of high-quality application specific standard products.

Diodes Inc. is a leading company specializing in various electronic components. They offer a wide range of products and solutions designed for different industries. Here are some of the key areas they focus on:

  1. Smallest 4A and 5A Schottky Rectifiers:
    Diodes Inc. provides the industry’s smallest 4A and 5A Schottky rectifiers. These rectifiers are essential components in electronic circuits, enabling efficient power conversion and voltage regulation. With their compact size, these rectifiers offer significant space-saving advantages for electronic devices.

  2. Analog Experts:
    At Diodes Inc., they have a team of analog experts who possess extensive knowledge and expertise in analog circuit design. These experts are dedicated to developing high-quality analog components and solutions that meet the demanding requirements of various applications. Their focus on analog technology ensures optimal performance and reliable operation.

  3. Power Management:
    Diodes Inc. offers comprehensive power management solutions to address the increasing power requirements in modern electronic systems. Their power management products include voltage regulators, DC-DC converters, and power switches, among others. These solutions are designed to enhance energy efficiency, improve power delivery, and protect electronic devices from voltage fluctuations.

  4. USB Type-C:
    With the growing popularity of USB Type-C connectivity, Diodes Inc. provides a range of components and solutions tailored for this universal standard. Their USB Type-C products enable fast data transfer rates, versatile power delivery, and enhanced device compatibility. These solutions are ideal for various applications, including laptops, smartphones, and other USB Type-C enabled devices.

  5. Serial Connectivity:
    Diodes Inc. offers a wide selection of components for serial connectivity, allowing for seamless communication between different devices and systems. Their serial connectivity solutions support various protocols, such as I2C, SPI, UART, and RS-232, enabling reliable data transmission and control in industrial, automotive, and consumer electronics applications.

  6. Discrete Devices:
    Diodes Inc. specializes in discrete devices, which are individual electronic components that perform specific functions in electronic circuits. These devices include diodes, transistors, MOSFETs, and rectifiers, among others. Their discrete devices provide essential building blocks for electronic designs, ensuring precise control, efficient power handling, and reliable operation.

  7. Comprehensive PCIe 5.0 Portfolio:
    Diodes Inc. has introduced a comprehensive portfolio of PCIe 5.0 products. PCIe (Peripheral Component Interconnect Express) is a high-speed serial bus interface commonly used in modern computer systems. The company’s PCIe 5.0 portfolio includes switches, retimers, signal conditioners, and redrivers, offering high-performance connectivity solutions for data-intensive applications.

  8. Automotive-Compliant Products:
    Recognizing the stringent requirements of the automotive industry, Diodes Inc. offers a range of automotive-compliant components and solutions. These products meet the industry’s demanding standards for reliability, durability, and electrical performance. Diodes Inc.’s automotive-compliant products are widely used in automotive electronics, including advanced driver-assistance systems (ADAS), infotainment systems, and powertrain control.

  9. Logic and Voltage Translation:
    Diodes Inc. provides logic and voltage translation solutions for interfacing different voltage levels in electronic systems. These solutions ensure proper signal compatibility between components operating at different voltage levels, enabling seamless communication and reliable operation of mixed-voltage systems.

  10. Total Timing Solutions FCP + IC:
    Diodes Inc. offers total timing solutions that combine FemtoClock® Programmable Clocks (FCP) and integrated circuits (IC). These solutions provide precise timing and clock synchronization for various applications, including telecommunications, data centers, industrial automation, and consumer electronics. The integration of FCP and IC enables simplified system design and improved timing accuracy.

With a commitment to innovation and quality, Diodes Inc

  • 公司名称法定代表人注册资本注册时间
  • 上海凯虹电子有限公司宋恭源 4350万美元1994-01-18
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