

英语教师网 - 英语周报社


Introducing English Teacher Network – Enhance Your Language Skills!

Welcome to English Teacher Network, your one-stop destination for comprehensive teaching resources and materials. Whether you are a student preparing for national exams or a teacher looking for engaging content, our website offers a wide range of materials designed to improve your English language proficiency. With a user-friendly interface and a vast collection of resources, we strive to make your learning experience enjoyable and effective.

Navigating our website is a breeze, thanks to our convenient website navigation. You can easily find what you need by exploring the following sections:

  1. Home: Stay up-to-date with the latest updates and featured content.
  2. Teaching Resources: Access a variety of resources carefully selected to support your teaching goals.
  3. Exam Preparation: Prepare for important exams such as the national college entrance examination (Gaokao) and the senior high school entrance examination (Zhongkao).
  4. Weekly Reports: Stay informed with our weekly reports, offering valuable insights and exercises for both high school and middle school students.
  5. Reading Column: Improve your reading comprehension skills with a diverse selection of articles and accompanying answer sheets.

In addition to these core sections, we offer a wealth of specialized content:

  • National Middle School Exam Compilation: Prepare for the national middle school exams with our comprehensive collection of multiple-choice questions from different regions across China.
  • Three-round Review Series: Enhance your exam readiness with our targeted practice materials tailored to specific question types.
  • Phrase Writing Workbook for Junior High School: Sharpen your language skills with this workbook covering phrases, including Chinese-to-English and English-to-Chinese translation exercises for grades 7 to 9.
  • Self-assessment for the End-of-Term Review (Listening Version) – Beijing Normal University: Evaluate your progress with this listening-based self-assessment for the end-of-term review in the second semester of senior high school, including answer explanations.
  • New Curriculum (Foreign Textbook) – Self-assessment for the End-of-Term Review (Listening Version): Measure your performance with this listening-based self-assessment for the end-of-term review in the second semester of senior high school, featuring answer explanations.
  • New Curriculum (Foreign Textbook) – End-of-Term Review (with Answers): Prepare for the end-of-term review in the second semester of senior high school with this comprehensive resource, including answer keys.
  • Translation Writing Workbook for Junior High School: Strengthen your understanding of phrases with this workbook designed for grades 7 to 9, featuring Chinese-to-English and English-to-Chinese translation exercises.
  • New Curriculum (Foreign Textbook) – Word List for Junior High School (Chinese-to-English and English-to-Chinese): Expand your vocabulary with this word list for junior high school students, including both Chinese-to-English and English-to-Chinese translations.
  • Beijing Normal University (2019 Edition) – High School English Vocabulary List (Chinese and English Writing Versions): Boost your vocabulary with this comprehensive list, including both Chinese and English writing versions.

Explore our specialized collections for high school and middle school students:

  • High School Albums: Discover a wealth of reading materials and accompanying courseware for high school students.
  • Grade 12 Reading Edition Courseware: Access courseware specially curated for the reading edition of grade 12.
  • Grade 12 Reading Edition Courseware: Access courseware specially curated for the reading edition of grade 12.
  • Grade 12 Reading Edition Courseware: Access courseware specially curated for the reading edition of grade 12.

For those who prefer multimedia resources, we offer video and audio lessons covering a wide range of topics. Explore our video lessons and audio courses for a dynamic learning experience.

Make the most of your learning journey with our comprehensive selection of teaching materials, including lesson plans, teaching outlines, exam papers, and knowledge

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