Innovation, adaptation, inclusivity, and originality – this set of beliefs has led the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) to make great strides progressively in education, research, and knowledge transfer since its establishment in 1991. In just three decades, HKUST has risen through the ranks in the global educational arena and is recognized as one of the top young universities in the world.
- HKUST Strategic Plan and Governance
- Cross-campus Collaboration and Diversity
- Academic Structure and Hubs
- Teaching and Learning Innovation
- Research and Knowledge Transfer
- Campus Life and Facilities
Category | Details |
About | Background, HKUST Strategic Plan, Governance, Cross-campus Collaboration, Diversity and Equal Opportunities, Leadership, Location, Campus Design, Milestones, University Publication |
Academics | Overview, What the World Needs, What is Cross-disciplinary?, Academic Structure, Hubs and Thrust Areas, Function Hub, Information Hub, Systems Hub, Society Hub, Teaching and Learning Innovation, Centre for Ethics Education and Contemporary China Studies, College of Education Sciences, College of Future Technology, Pillar of Language Education |
Programs | Red Bird Challenge Camp, Red Bird MPhil Program, Department of Teaching Development, Undergraduate Academic Life, Pedagogy, Medium of Instruction, HKUST Fok Ying Tung Graduate School (Guangzhou) |
Academic Support | Academic Registry Services, Academic Quality Manual, Academic Calendar, Faculty Profiles, University Forum |
Campus Life | Facilities & Services, Student Activities, One Stop Service Center, Photo Gallery |
Research | Research News, Research Department, Central Research Facilities, Living Lab Network, Knowledge Transfer, Office of Knowledge Transfer (OKT), New Paradigm of University KT, Sci-Tech Innovation Ecosystem Structure, Industry Collaboration, Intellectual Property, Entrepreneurship Training |
News | HKUST (GZ) News, Research News, Campus Life, Our People, Cooperation, In the Media |
Language Options | Eng, 繁體, 简体 |
My Portal | Access personalized content and services for students and faculty |
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