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网站首页 | Homepage |
集团概况 | Group Overview |
企业简介 | Company Profile |
责任报告 | Responsibility Report |
陕煤集团2023年度环境、社会、治理(ESG)报告 | Shaanxi Coal and Chemical Group 2023 ESG Report |
陕西煤业化工集团公司2022年企业社会责任报告 | Shaanxi Coal and Chemical Group 2022 CSR Report |
企业宣传片 | Corporate Video |
组织机构 | Organizational Structure |
二级单位 | Secondary Units |
联系我们 | Contact Us |
文化体系 | Cultural System |
奋进者文化 | Striver Culture |
企业使命 | Corporate Mission |
企业愿景 | Corporate Vision |
发展战略 | Development Strategy |
企业价值观 | Corporate Values |
企业精神 | Corporate Spirit |
“三特精神” | “Three Special Spirits” |
“北移”精神 | “Northward Migration” Spirit |
“六争”精神 | “Six Striving” Spirit |
员工行为准则 | Employee Code of Conduct |
职业道德规范 | Professional Ethics Code |
员工礼仪规范 | Employee Etiquette Standards |
陕煤集团企业标识 | Shaanxi Coal Group Logo |
标识规范 | Logo Specifications |
企业名称规范 | Corporate Name Specifications |
企业全称及标识组合规范 | Full Company Name and Logo Combination Specifications |
企业简称及标识组合规范 | Abbreviated Company Name and Logo Combination Specifications |
企业英文标识组合规范 | English Logo Combination Specifications |
集团所属企业及控股企业名称与集团标识组合规范 | Group’s Subsidiaries and Affiliate Company Name and Logo Combination Specifications |
企业标识夜间效果 | Nighttime Effect of Company Logo |
集团徽 | Group Emblem |
集团旗 | Group Flag |
从三秦走向世界 | From Sanqin to the World |
新时代扬帆远航 | Setting Sail into the New Era |
陕煤脊梁 | Shaanxi Coal Backbone |
我和我的梦 | My Dream and I |
拥抱太阳 | Embrace the Sun |
来陕煤报到 | Report to Shaanxi Coal |
品牌宣传语 | Brand Slogan |
新闻中心 | News Center |
陕煤集团在省国资委系统企业党建工作推进会上作经验发言 | Shaanxi Coal Group Shares Experience at Provincial State-Owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission’s Enterprise Party Building Work Promotion Conference |
神木市市长段智博一行到陕煤集团座谈交流 | Shenmu Mayor Duan Zhibo and Others Visit Shaanxi Coal Group for Discussion |
陕煤集团学习贯彻党的二十届三中全会精神专题培训班开班 | Shaanxi Coal Group Launches Special Training Class on Implementing Spirit of the 20th CPC Central Committee Third Plenary Session |
延安市委常委、常务副市长高建华一行到陕煤集团座谈交流 | Yan’an Municipal Committee Standing Committee Member and Executive Deputy Mayor Gao Jianhua and Others Visit Shaanxi Coal Group for Discussion |
江西省投资集团总经理曾昭和一行到陕煤集团座谈交流 | General Manager of Jiangxi Investment Group Zeng Zhaohua and Others Visit Shaanxi Coal Group for Discussion |
**陕西工人报 | 陕煤运销集团前10个月煤炭销售运输齐增长** |
**中国化工报 中化新网 | 陕煤榆林化学:向新 向质 向未来** |
**陕西工人报 | 陕煤运销集团全力保障供暖季省内发电供热用煤需求** |
**群众新闻网 | 陕煤曹家滩矿业再获全国职业竞赛大奖** |
**陕西工人报 | 柠条塔矿业公司跑出“加速度” 点亮“煤海红”** |
聚焦稳增长 决胜四季度(第十三辑) | Focus on Steady Growth, Win the Fourth Quarter (Issue 13) |
彬长矿业:靶向发力稳增长 | Binchang Mining: Targeted Efforts to Stabilize Growth |
聚焦稳增长 决胜四季度(第十二辑) | Focus on Steady Growth, Win the Fourth Quarter (Issue 12) |
陕西煤业:扎实践行“四种经营理念” 打造高质量发展新引擎 | Shaanxi Coal and Energy: Practicing Four Business Concepts to Build a New Engine for High-Quality Development |
聚焦稳增长 决胜四季度(第十一辑) | Focus on Steady Growth, Win the Fourth Quarter (Issue 11) |
陕西部署煤矿领域专家排查整治重大事故隐患三年行动 | Shaanxi Launches Three-Year Action to Inspect and Address Major Safety Hazards in Coal Mines |
陕西部署冬季能源保供工作 | Shaanxi Deploys Winter Energy Supply Guarantee Work |
1月—9月原煤产量前十名企业排名公布 | Top Ten Enterprises in Raw Coal Output from January to September |
国家发展改革委组织召开2024—2025年供暖季全国能源保供会议 | National Development and Reform Commission Organizes National Energy Supply Guarantee Meeting for 2024-2025 Heating Season |
我国西部特厚煤层保水开采取得重大进展 | Significant Progress Made in Water Conservation Mining of Extra-Thick Coal Seams in Western China |
视频中心 | Video Center |
从三秦走向世界(企业宣传片) | From Sanqin to the World (Corporate Video) |
企业动态 | Corporate News |
安全生产 | Safety Production |
彬长矿区首个中深层地热井能源站安装完成并进入试运行阶段 | First Deep Geothermal Well Energy Station Installed and Under Trial Operation in Binchang Mining Area |
党建工作 | Party Building Work |
陕煤青年“出圈”!3人获全煤行业青年岗位能手(标兵) | Shaanxi Coal Youth “Breaks Out”! 3 People Earn Titles of Young Model Workers in the Coal Industry |
榆林合力天芪生物公司:“小草根”的“链”变之路 | Yulin Helitianqi Bio Company: The Transformation Path of “Small Roots” |
陕煤集团党群工作部党支部和运销集团党委开展党建“结对子”主题党日活动 | Shaanxi Coal Group Party and Mass Work Department Party Branch and Coal Sales Group Party Committee Hold “Pairing” Themed Party Day Activities |
经营管理 | Business Management |
陕钢龙钢集团:加快培育新质生产力 深化改革盘活存量提质量 | Shaanxi Steel Long Steel Group: Accelerating the Cultivation of New Quality Productive Forces, Deepening Reform, and Improving Quality |
解锁神木煤化工富油公司降本增效“密码” | Unlocking the Cost Reduction and Efficiency Improvement Secrets of Shenmu Coal Chemical Rich Oil Company |
铜川华远项目部:深化国企改革 持续提质增效 | Tongchuan Huayuan Project Department: Deepening State-Owned Enterprise Reform and Continuously Improving Quality and Efficiency |
员工天地 | Employee World |
周嘉欣 散文——《秦岭初雪》 | Zhou Jiaxin, Essay—”First Snow of Qinling” |
蒲白矿业:活跃在矿山里的“智多星” | Pubai Mining: The “Brainiac” Active in the Mines |
雷倩 诗歌——《渭南印象》 | Lei Qian, Poem—”Impression of Weinan” |
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