Tencent Cloud
Tencent is a leading influencer in industries such as social media, mobile payments, online video, games, music, and more. Leverage Tencent's vast ecosystem of ke...
标签:综合其他 门户网站CDN Cloud Block Storage Cloud database Cloud Object Service Cloud Virtual Machine Internet plus solution Tencent Cloud virtual machineTencent is a leading influencer in industries such as social media, mobile payments, online video, games, music, and more. Leverage Tencent’s vast ecosystem of key products across various verticals as well as its extensive expertise and networks to gain a competitive edge and make your own impact in these industries.
类别 | 内容 |
Cookies Policy | Tencent Cloud Promotions |
Products | Solutions, Pricing, Partner Network, Marketplace, Explore More, Prev, Next |
语言 | Intl-English, Intl – 한국어, Intl – 日本語, Intl – 简体中文, Intl – Português, Intl – Bahasa Indonesia |
Console | Documentation, Log In, Sign Up |
腾讯RTC独家优惠 | Starting at $9.9: Register now to access our incredible $9.9 monthly plan for Tencent RTC |
MediaLink网络研讨会 | Join our webinar series, exploring how Stream services offer 400ms cross-continental latency and 50% bandwidth savings through high-definition, low-bitrate processing! |
腾讯RTC初学者计划 | Starting at $9.9: Register now to access monthly packages of various products for Tencent RTC New Users |
腾讯RTC独家优惠 | Register now to unlock incredible $9.9 monthly plan on RTC Engine, Call, and Conferencing SDKs |
免费层 | All users can try out a multitude of products and services for free |
腾讯云初创企业计划 | Empower startups to migrate to the cloud with full force all the resources of Tencent Cloud |
媒体与聊天服务活动 | The promotion offers free trials and up to 77% off on CSS, VOD, and more, with vouchers up to $150 |
Lighthouse特价优惠 | Up to 60% your first Lighthouse instance |
云对象存储特价优惠 | Provide free use and value packages as low as 78% off |
特色产品 | Compute and Container, Microservice and Serverless, Storage, Database, Networking and CDN, Security, Enterprise Applications, Big Data, Artificial Intelligence, Internet of Things, Middleware and Communication, Media Services, Game Services, Industry Applications, Developer Services |
查看所有产品 | Tencent Cloud Edge, OneCDN with Protection, Applicable for Global (Including Mainland China) |
下载流量聊天 | An easy-to-use Chat SDK for websites and apps |
腾讯实时通信 | Run demos within a minute and build audio/video calls or interactive live streaming solutions in 30 minutes |
腾讯云Lighthouse | Tencent Cloud Edge, One Domains |
注册人/机构:MarkMonitor Information Technology (Shanghai) Co.,Ltd.
IP:[中国广东深圳 电信]

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腾讯于1998年11月成立,是一家互联网公司,通过技术丰富互联网用户的生活,助力企业数字化升级。我们的使命是“用户为本 科技向善”。Founded in 1998, Tencent is an Internet-based platform company using technology to enrich the lives of Internet users and assist the digital upgrade of enterprises. Our mission is "Value for Users, Tech for Good". 官方...