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智能实验室 | Intelligent Laboratory |
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首页 | Home |
实验中心 | Experiment Center |
智能实验室 | Intelligent Laboratory |
接口对接 | Interface Integration |
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13687期次智能实验室 | 13687th Intelligent Laboratory |
虚拟仿真实验课 | Virtual Simulation Experiment Class |
线上实验课 | Online Experiment Class |
混合式实验课 | Hybrid Experiment Class |
开课指南 | Course Guide |
热门课程 | Popular Courses |
数字出版 | Digital Publishing |
4805个实验中心 | 4805 Experiment Centers |
机械类 | Mechanical Engineering Class |
化学类 | Chemical Engineering Class |
法学类 | Law Class |
材料类 | Materials Class |
药学类 | Pharmaceutical Class |
矿业类 | Mining Class |
土木类 | Civil Engineering Class |
水利类 | Hydraulic Engineering Class |
建筑类 | Architecture Class |
电气类 | Electrical Engineering Class |
仪器类 | Instrument Class |
更多 | More |
专业在线实验室 | Specialized Online Laboratory |
土木类在线实验室 | Civil Engineering Online Laboratory |
分子计算在线实验室 | Molecular Computing Online Laboratory |
人气指数 | Popularity Index |
共享指数 | Sharing Index |
互动指数 | Interaction Index |
吸引指数 | Attraction Index |
电的产生与传输原理虚拟仿真实验 | Virtual Simulation Experiment on Electricity Generation and Transmission Principles |
张汉壮 | Zhang Hanzhuang |
吉林大学 | Jilin University |
74993 | 74993 |
蛋白酶表达纯化及活性测定虚拟仿真实验 | Virtual Simulation Experiment on Protein Expression Purification and Activity Determination |
重庆大学 | Chongqing University |
杨爱民 | Yang Aimin |
15322 | 15322 |
“双碳”目标下发电企业管理决策虚拟仿真实验 | Virtual Simulation Experiment on Management Decision of Power Generation Enterprises under “Dual Carbon” Goals |
华北电力大学 | North China Electric Power University |
刘树良 | Liu Shuliang |
122743 | 122743 |
变压器高压放电与绝缘测试虚拟仿真实验系统 | Virtual Simulation Experiment System on Transformer High Voltage Discharge and Insulation Test |
洛阳理工学院 | Luoyang Institute of Science and Technology |
李明伟 | Li Mingwei |
48376 | 48376 |
永远的旗帜-“跨越时空的井冈山精神”虚拟仿真实验教学 | Virtual Simulation Experiment Teaching on the Everlasting Spirit of Jinggangshan Across Time and Space |
新余学院 | Xinyu University |
潘欧文 | Pan Ouwen |
109612 | 109612 |
“一带一路”国家商务谈判中文化情境识别与影响虚拟仿真实验 | Virtual Simulation Experiment on Cultural Context Recognition and Influence in “Belt and Road” National Business Negotiations |
辽宁大学 | Liaoning University |
李淑云 | Li Shuyun |
13750 | 13750 |
电力系统综合自动化仿真实验 | Comprehensive Automation Simulation Experiment of Power System |
三峡大学科技学院 | Science and Technology College of Three Gorges University |
栾国森 | Luan Guosen |
21154 | 21154 |
地中海贫血基因的分子诊断 | Molecular Diagnosis of Mediterranean Anemia |
广西医科大学 | Guangxi Medical University |
晁耐霞 | Chao Naixia |
1511 | 1511 |
运动改善情绪及其脑可塑性变化虚拟仿真实验 | Virtual Simulation Experiment on Exercise Improving Emotion and Brain Plasticity Changes |
扬州大学 | Yangzhou University |
7859 | 7859 |
基于管理会计的制造企业运营优化虚拟仿真实验 | Virtual Simulation Experiment on Operational Optimization of Manufacturing Enterprises Based on Management Accounting |
南通大学 | Nantong University |
沈小燕 | Shen Xiaoyan |
9286 | 9286 |
注册人/机构:Alibaba Cloud Computing (Beijing) Co.,Ltd.
IP:[中国江苏常州 电信]

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