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13687期次智能实验室 13687th Smart Laboratory
虚拟仿真实验课 Virtual Simulation Experiment Class
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4805个实验中心 4805 Experiment Centers
机械类 Mechanical Engineering
化学类 Chemistry
法学类 Law
材料类 Materials Science
药学类 Pharmacy
矿业类 Mining Engineering
土木类 Civil Engineering
水利类 Hydraulic Engineering
建筑类 Architecture
电气类 Electrical Engineering
仪器类 Instrumentation
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专业在线实验室 Professional Online Laboratories
土木类在线实验室 Civil Engineering Online Laboratory
分子计算在线实验室 Molecular Computing Online Laboratory
人气指数 Popularity Index
共享指数 Sharing Index
互动指数 Interaction Index
吸引指数 Attraction Index
电的产生与传输原理虚拟仿真实验 Virtual Simulation Experiment on Generation and Transmission Principles of Electricity
吉林大学张汉壮 Zhang Hanzhuang, Jilin University
电的产生与传输原理虚拟仿真实验 Virtual Simulation Experiment on Generation and Transmission Principles of Electricity
张汉壮 Zhang Hanzhuang
吉林大学 Jilin University
蛋白酶表达纯化及活性测定虚拟仿真实验 Virtual Simulation Experiment on Expression, Purification, and Activity Assay of Proteases: Using COVID-19 and Autophagy Proteases as Examples
重庆大学杨爱民 Yang Aimin, Chongqing University
蛋白酶表达纯化及活性测定虚拟仿真实验 Virtual Simulation Experiment on Expression, Purification, and Activity Assay of Proteases: Using COVID-19 and Autophagy Proteases as Examples
杨爱民 Yang Aimin
重庆大学 Chongqing University
“双碳”目标下发电企业管理决策虚拟仿真实验 Virtual Simulation Experiment on Management Decision of Power Generation Enterprises under “Dual Carbon” Targets
华北电力大学刘树良 Liu Shuliang, North China Electric Power University
“双碳”目标下发电企业管理决策虚拟仿真实验 Virtual Simulation Experiment on Management Decision of Power Generation Enterprises under “Dual Carbon” Targets
刘树良 Liu Shuliang
华北电力大学 North China Electric Power University
变压器高压放电与绝缘测试虚拟仿真实验系统 Virtual Simulation Experiment System on High Voltage Discharge and Insulation Testing of Transformers
洛阳理工学院李明伟 Li Mingwei, Luoyang Institute of Science and Technology
变压器高压放电与绝缘测试虚拟仿真实验系统 Virtual Simulation Experiment System on High Voltage Discharge and Insulation Testing of Transformers
李明伟 Li Mingwei
洛阳理工学院 Luoyang Institute of Science and Technology
永远的旗帜-“跨越时空的井冈山精神”虚拟仿真实验教学 Virtual Simulation Experiment Teaching on the Everlasting Spirit of Jinggangshan Crossing Time and Space
新余学院潘欧文 Pan Ouwen, Xinyu University
永远的旗帜-“跨越时空的井冈山精神”虚拟仿真实验教学 Virtual Simulation Experiment Teaching on the Everlasting Spirit of Jinggangshan Crossing Time and Space
潘欧文 Pan Ouwen
新余学院 Xinyu University
“一带一路”国家商务谈判中文化情境识别与影响虚拟仿真实验 Virtual Simulation Experiment on Cultural Context Recognition and Influence in Belt and Road National Business Negotiations
辽宁大学李淑云 Li Shuyun, Liaoning University
“一带一路”国家商务谈判中文化情境识别与影响虚拟仿真实验 Virtual Simulation Experiment on Cultural Context Recognition and Influence in Belt and Road National Business Negotiations
李淑云 Li Shuyun
辽宁大学 Liaoning University
电力系统综合自动化仿真实验 Comprehensive Automation Simulation Experiment of Power System
三峡大学科技学院栾国森 Luan Guosen, Technology Institute of Three Gorges University
电力系统综合自动化仿真实验 Comprehensive Automation Simulation Experiment of Power System
栾国森 Luan Guosen
三峡大学科技学院 Technology Institute of Three Gorges University
地中海贫血基因的分子诊断 Molecular Diagnosis of Mediterranean Anemia
广西医科大学晁耐霞 Chao Naixia, Guangxi Medical University
地中海贫血基因的分子诊断 Molecular Diagnosis of Mediterranean Anemia
晁耐霞 Chao Naixia
广西医科大学 Guangxi Medical University
运动改善情绪及其脑可塑性变化虚拟仿真实验 Virtual Simulation Experiment on Exercise Improving Emotions and Brain Plasticity Changes
扬州大学陈爱国 Chen Aiguo, Yangzhou University
运动改善情绪及其脑可塑性变化虚拟仿真实验 Virtual Simulation Experiment on Exercise Improving Emotions and Brain Plasticity Changes
陈爱国 Chen Aiguo
扬州大学 Yangzhou University
基于管理会计的制造企业运营优化虚拟仿真实验 Virtual Simulation Experiment on Operational Optimization of Manufacturing Enterprises Based on Managerial Accounting
南通大学沈小燕 Shen Xiaoyan, Nantong University
基于管理会计的制造企业运营优化虚拟仿真实验 Virtual Simulation Experiment on Operational Optimization of Manufacturing Enterprises Based on Managerial Accounting
沈小燕 Shen Xiaoyan
南通大学 Nantong University
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    注册人/机构:Alibaba Cloud Computing (Beijing) Co.,Ltd.



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