高性能和高可靠性模拟集成电路供应商 – 圣邦
SG Micro Corp (SGMICRO) specializes in the development, manufacturing and promotion of high-performance and high-reliability integrated circuits for analog signal proc...
标签:综合其他 门户网站Analog and Mixed-signal ICs power management ICs sg-micro圣邦微电子 (SGMICRO) 是一家综合性的高性能和高可靠性模拟信号处理和电源管理集成电路供应商,为工业自动化、新能源、汽车、通信、计算机、消费电子和医疗设备等应用提供各类模拟信号条理和电源创新解决方案。
类别 | 产品名称及型号 | 功能描述 |
注册 | 助力数字化转型 | |
工业自动化方案 | 了解详情 | |
车规级放大器 | SGM8197xQ | 车规级高边电流检测放大器 |
音频功率放大器 | NEWSGM28203W | Low EMI Class-D Audio Power Amplifier with Auto-Recovering Short-Circuit Protection |
直流/直流转换器 | NEWSGM31113 | 3V Buck/Boost Charge Pump DC/DC Converter |
电池充电器 | NEWSGM41519 | High Input Voltage, 3A Single-Cell Battery Charger with NVDC Power Path Management |
栅极驱动器 | NEWSGM48541 | Single High-Speed, Low-Side Gate Driver with Negative Input Voltage Capability |
同步降压转换器 | NEWSGM61184 | 4.5V to 18V Input, 8A, Synchronous Buck Converter |
非同步降压转换器 | NEWSGM61234 | 28V, 2A, 5V Fixed Output, Non-Synchronous Buck Converter |
产品类别 | 放大器、数据转换器、电压基准、音频和视频、逻辑电路、电平转换器、接口、模拟信号开关和多路复用器、温度传感器、射频产品 | |
电源管理 | 开关型直流电源转换器、低压差线性稳压器(LDO)、MOSFET、电池充电管理和电池保护电路、系统电源管理和监控电路、电源开关 | |
显示器电源及驱动器 | LCD和OLED显示器电源及驱动器 | |
LED驱动器 | LED驱动器 | |
马达驱动器 | 马达驱动器和栅极驱动器 | |
专用辅助电源 | 专用辅助电源 | |
应用领域 | 工业、消费类、手机和智能硬件、通信、计算、汽车 | |
应用笔记 | 应用笔记 | |
材料成分 | 材料成分 | |
评估套件 | 评估套件 | |
快速下载 | 快速下载 | 快速下载我们的环境文件RoHSREACHGreen |
公司荣誉 | 圣邦微电子荣膺“十大中国IC设计公司”奖项 | SGM41570 荣获 2023 亚洲金选奖“年度最佳电源管理芯片” |
SGM8196 | 荣获 2023 全球电子成就奖“年度创新产品奖” | |
关于我们 | 更多 | |
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需要协助? | 销售办公室、授权代理商、隐私协议 | 京ICP 备08010133号 |
注册人/机构:Xin Net Technology Corporation
IP:[中国上海上海 腾讯云]
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SG Micro Corp (SGMICRO) specializes in the development, manufacturing and promotion of high-performance and high-reliability integrated circuits for analog signal processing and power management, offering innovative solutions to a broad range of applications in the industrial, automotive, communication, computing, consumer electronics, and medical equipment markets.
SG Micro Corp (SGMICRO) specializes in the development, manufacturing and promotion of high-performance and high-reliability integrated circuits for analog signal processing and power management, offering innovative solutions to a broad range of applications in the industrial, automotive, communication, computing, consumer electronics, and medical equipment markets.
SG Micro Corp (SGMICRO) specializes in the development, manufacturing and promotion of high-performance and high-reliability integrated circuits for analog signal processing and power management, offering innovative solutions to a broad range of applications in the industrial, automotive, communication, computing, consumer electronics, and medical equipment markets.