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人民卫生出版社参与第三届全民阅读大会 People’s Health Publishing House attended the 3rd National Reading Conference
全国政协副主席、致公党中央主席蒋作君到人民卫生出版社调研指导工作 Vice Chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference and Chairman of the China Zhi Gong Party, Jiang Zuojun, conducted research and guidance at People’s Health Publishing House
“健康中国·你我同行”科普读物第三批图书编写启动会在京召开 The third batch of “Healthy China, Together with You and Me” popular science book compilation launch meeting was held in Beijing
《十万个健康为什么丛书》“健康一生系列”入围2023中国好书 “One Hundred Thousand Health Whys Series” “Healthy Life Series” was shortlisted for the 2023 China’s Best Books
公告与声明 Details
人民卫生出版社有限公司公开招聘2024年度高校毕业生公告 Public Recruitment Announcement for 2024 Graduates of People’s Health Publishing House Co., Ltd.
关于规范教材编写的声明 Statement on Standardizing Textbook Compilation
关于“新时代,新教材,思政教育第一课”主题征文评选活动结果的公布 Announcement of the Results of the “New Era, New Textbooks, First Lesson of Ideological and Political Education” Theme Essay Competition
关于谨防假借人民卫生出版社名义虚假宣传的严正声明 Serious Statement on Guarding Against False Propaganda in the Name of People’s Health Publishing House
关于对冒用《生活与健康》期刊名义进行非法活动的声明 Statement on Illegal Activities Conducted in the Name of the “Life and Health” Journal
声明 Statement
关于电子图书版权的联合声明 Joint Statement on Electronic Book Copyrights
关于启动全国高等医学教育护理学类专业课程思政案例库建设工作及遴选主编、副主编及编委的通知 Notice on Launching the Construction of the Ideological and Political Case Database for Nursing Specialty Courses in Higher Medical Education and Selecting Editors-in-Chief, Deputy Editors-in-Chief, and Editorial Board Members
人民卫生出版社有限公司2024年部门预算 2024 Departmental Budget of People’s Health Publishing House Co., Ltd.
关于启动全国高等职业教育专科预防医学专业规划教材编写及教材评审委员会成员推荐和主编、副主编、编者申报的通知 Notice on Launching the Compilation of Textbooks for the Specialty of Preventive Medicine in Higher Vocational Education and Recommending Members of the Textbook Review Committee and Declaring Editors-in-Chief, Deputy Editors-in-Chief, and Compilers
关于启动全国高等职业教育专科婴幼儿托育服务与管理专业规划教材编写及评委会成员推荐和主编、副主编、编者申报的通知 Notice on Launching the Compilation of Textbooks for the Specialty of Early Childhood Care and Management in Higher Vocational Education and Recommending Members of the Review Committee and Declaring Editors-in-Chief, Deputy Editors-in-Chief, and Compilers
北京人卫编辑校对有限公司(人卫编校中心)2024年招聘公告 2024 Recruitment Announcement of Beijing Ren Wei Editing and Proofreading Co., Ltd. (Ren Wei Editing and Proofreading Center)
关于人卫社图书贴标升级的声明 Statement on the Upgrade of Ren Wei Publishing House Book Labeling
关于开展首轮全国高等学校中医药学历继续教育规划教材调研及教材评审委员会成员推荐和主编、副主编、编委申报的通知 Notice on Conducting the First Round of Surveys on Textbooks for Continuing Education of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Higher Education Institutions and Recommending Members of the Textbook Review Committee and Declaring Editors-in-Chief, Deputy Editors-in-Chief, and Editorial Board Members
关于组织开展全国高等学校中医药研究生教育教材调研及启动第三轮全国高等学校中医药研究生教育规划教材修订工作的通知 Notice on Organizing the Research on Textbooks for Postgraduate Education of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Higher Education Institutions and Launching the Third Round of Revision of Textbooks for Postgraduate Education of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Higher Education Institutions
关于启动云南省高等卫生职业教育规划教材(护理、助产专业)编写及评审委员会推荐和主编、副主编、编者申报的通知 Notice on Launching the Compilation of Textbooks for Higher Health Vocational Education in Yunnan (Nursing, Midwifery Majors) and Recommending Members of the Review Committee and Declaring Editors-in-Chief, Deputy Editors-in-Chief, and Compilers
关于组织开展全国高等学校放射医学专业教材调研及启动全国高等学校放射医学专业第一轮数字规划教材编写工作的通知 Notice on Organizing the Research on Textbooks for the Specialty of Radiology in Higher Education Institutions and Launching the First Round of Writing of Digital Textbooks for the Specialty of Radiology in Higher Education Institutions
2024年人卫创新发展研究项目申报公告 2024 Ren Wei Innovation and Development Research Project Announcement
关于国家卫生健康委员会“十四五”规划教材 教育部公共卫生与预防医学“101计划”核心教材主编、副主编遴选结果的公示 Public Notice on the Selection Results of Editors-in-Chief and Deputy Editors-in-Chief for the “14th Five-Year Plan” Textbooks of the National Health Commission and the “101 Plan” Core Textbooks of Public Health and Preventive Medicine of the Ministry of Education
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