Global Freight Forwarding & Supply Chain Management | Kuehne+Nagel
With more than 81,000 employees at over 1,300 locations in close to 100 countries, the Kuehne+Nagel Group is one of the world’s leading logistics companies. Its strong...
标签:综合其他 门户网站air freight road transport sea freight solutions global freight forwarding" lang="en-GB supply chain 4pl logistics supply chain consulting warehousing logisticsWith more than 81,000 employees at over 1,300 locations in close to 100 countries, the Kuehne+Nagel Group is one of the world’s leading logistics companies. Its strong market position lies in the seafreight, airfreight, contract logistics and road transport businesses, with a clear focus on high value-added segments such as IT-based integrated logistics solutions.
Stories – Our brand | myKN |
Global | |
Albania | English |
Angola | English |
Argentina | |
Australia | |
Austria | |
Bahrain | |
Bangladesh | |
Belgium | |
Bolivia | |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | |
Brazil | |
Bulgaria | |
Cambodia | |
Canada | |
Chile | |
China | |
Colombia | |
Costa Rica | |
Croatia | |
Cuba | |
Cyprus | |
Czech Republic | |
Denmark | |
Dominican Republic | |
Ecuador | |
Egypt | |
El Salvador | |
Estonia | |
Finland | |
France | |
Germany | |
Ghana | |
Greece | |
Guatemala | |
Honduras | |
Hungary | |
India | |
Indonesia | |
Iran | |
Ireland | |
Israel | |
Italy | |
Japan | |
Jordan | |
Kenya | |
Kuwait | |
Latvia | |
Lebanon | |
Lithuania | |
Luxembourg | |
Macedonia | |
Malaysia | |
Maldives | |
Malta | |
Mauritius | |
Mexico | |
Morocco | |
Mozambique | |
Myanmar | |
Namibia | |
Netherlands | |
New Zealand | |
Nicaragua | |
Norway | |
Oman | |
Pakistan | |
Panama | |
Peru | |
Philippines | |
Poland | |
Portugal | |
Qatar | |
Romania | |
Saudi Arabia | |
Serbia | |
Singapore | |
Slovakia | |
Slovenia | |
South Africa | |
South Korea | |
Spain | |
Sri Lanka | |
Sweden | |
Switzerland | |
Taiwan, United Republic Of | |
Thailand | |
Trinidad And Tobago | |
Turkey | |
Uganda | |
Ukraine | |
United Arab Emirates | |
United Kingdom | |
United States | |
Uruguay | |
Venezuela | |
Vietnam | |
Services | |
Sea | |
Air | |
Road | |
Fulfilment, Warehousing and Distribution | |
Project Logistics | |
Customs Clearance | |
Insurance | |
E-commerce | |
Supply Chain Management 4PL | |
Supply Chain Consulting |
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富滇银行品牌创立于1912年,是拥有百年历史的老字号银行品牌。历史上的富滇银行声名远扬海内外,发行滇币调控云南金融,是全球第六大华资银行,创造了一段辉煌的金融史。2007年12月30日,富滇银行股份有限公司经中国银监会批准恢复成立,成为云南省首家省级地方性股份制商业银行。在省委、省政府的坚强领导下,在主管监管单位和社会各界的指导支持下,富滇银行依托百年金融品牌底蕴,主动服务和融入“一带一路”、长江经济带建设,综合实力不断壮大,品牌影响持续提升,差异化特色化经营能力稳步增强。目前150家营业机构遍布云南省15个州市和重庆市,发起设立4家村镇银行,与老挝外贸大众银行合资设立老中银行,是全国唯一在境外设立子行的城商行。2019年是新中国成立70周年,富滇银行将高举习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想伟大旗帜,以发展为第一要务,以人才为第一资源,以创新为第一动力,深入贯彻落实党的十九大、中央经济工作会议、全国金融工作会议精神,聚焦绿色金融、旅游金融、跨境金融、普惠金融、数字金融五大特色业务,从防范化解风险、提升资产质量中激发增长活力,从融入国家战略、服务实体经济中拓展市场空间,从深化国企改革、加快战略转型中增强发展动能,全面赋能高质量跨越式发展,加快建设成为现代化、国际化、公众化的新型股份制商业银行。 官方网站...