英语复习网 – 你今天学英语了吗

英语复习网 – 你今天学英语了吗

英语复习网 - 你今天学英语了吗



English Review Website – Have you studied English today?

Welcome to the English Review website, where we provide valuable resources to enhance your English language skills. Whether you are preparing for exams like TOEFL, IELTS, or the College English Test (CET), or simply looking to improve your English proficiency, we have a variety of content to meet your needs.

Explore English Knowledge

  • English Knowledge: Dive into a comprehensive collection of articles covering various aspects of English language learning. From grammar rules to language structures, we’ve got you covered.

    • Adjective Clauses and Appositive Clauses
    • Non-restrictive Adverbial Clause Structures
    • Independent Gerund Constructions – Are they non-predicative?
    • Rules for Forming English Adjectives
    • Oral and Written Language Comparison in English Learning
    • Distinguishing “mime” and “my”
    • 50 Examples of Non-restrictive Adjective Clauses
    • Identifying the Verb Characteristics
    • Personal Pronouns Followed by Nouns

Exam Preparation

  • Exam Preparation: Find resources specifically designed to aid you in exam preparation. Whether it’s creating a 5th-grade English newspaper, understanding numerals in junior high school English, or mastering expressions like “neither of,” we’ve got the right materials for you.

    • Creating a 5th-grade English Newspaper
    • Tips for Making a 5th-grade English Report
    • Explaining Numerals in Junior High School English (PPT)
    • Understanding “neither of” and its Verb Forms

Everyday English

  • Everyday English: Learn practical and useful English phrases for everyday situations. From days of the week to expressing your height in English, we’ve got your language needs covered.

    • Remembering the Days of the Week in English
    • Clever Ways to Recall the Days from Monday to Sunday
    • Expressing Height: Is it “one point six five” or “sixty-five”?
    • Common Phone Customer Service Abbreviations
    • 50 Examples of English Exclamatory Sentences
    • Comparing Online Translation Software – Chinese to English
    • Describing Nationality in English

English Writing and Expression

  • English Writing and Expression: Explore writing samples featuring excellent high school compositions with inverted sentences. Additionally, discover advanced sentence structures for TOEFL writing.

    • High School Essays with Inverted Sentences
    • In-depth Analysis and Answers for TOEFL Advanced Sentence Structures


  • Miscellaneous: Find answers to diverse questions, from pronouncing “Tuesday” to citing references correctly.

    • Pronouncing “Tuesday” in English
    • Correct Format for Journal Reference Citations
    • Attractive English Names for Girls with Translations

Feel free to browse our site and make the most of the resources available to you. Happy learning!

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英语复习网 - 你今天学英语了吗



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